
Obstetric Intensive Care Manual, Fifth Edition


The acclaimed quick-reference manual focusing on the clinical management of the critically ill pregnant patient

For two decades, the Obstetric Intensive Care Manual has distinguished itself as the go-to guide for obstetricians, intensivists, residents, and nurses requiring immediate, practical guidance on intensive and critical care obstetric issues. Carefully written and formatted to deliver at-a-glance answers the moment they are needed, this trusted resource delivers treatment information on the most commonly encountered emergencies such as maternal sepsis, postpartum hemorrhage, cardiac disease, and thyroid emergencies. The Manual also covers key topics in managing obstetric patients in the ICU, such as transporting critically ill patients, fetal considerations and neonatal resuscitation, fluid and electrolyte therapy, and advanced cardiac life support. 


Updated content reflects the best available evidence
Easy-to-apply step-by-step guidance helps you deliver outstanding care to critically ill patients, and makes even the most complex treatment protocol simple to implement
Numerous summary tables, algorithms, figures, boxed information, and illustrations put essential information at your fingertips
Memory aids help you learn and remember information in the most efficient way possible
If you are in need of a time-proven reference that delivers focused coverage over an extensive range of topics relative to obstetric intensive care, your search ends here. 

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